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DeSantis and Haley Play Irrelevant Games

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis poked jabs at his fellow former United Nations Ambassador and former gov. Of SC, Nikki Haley for her lack of interest in a debate with him held by Fox News. 

DeSantis questioned Haley's invitation denial on Laura Ingraham's program Monday. 

“Well, she probably wouldn’t like what the debate would be about. I mean, I think she has taken very, very establishment-oriented positions,” DeSantis said, later adding, “I’ll debate any of these folks. I think that’s what it is all about.”

DeSantis and Haley may be the two most irrelevant GOP primary candidates left in the race, trailing far behind front-runner and former President Donald Trump. It's a wonder they don't go head-to-head for kicks with Chris Christie as the host. 

The two candidates signed a loyalty pledge this year with the Republican National Committee dictating if they participate in debates not sanctioned by the RNC, they will not be able to participate in further RNC sanctioned debates later down the road. 

Trump has yet to participate in any of the GOP debates. Why should he? Desantis' constant nagging at Trump to participate is getting old and driving Americans further away from any former "Make America Florida Again" slogans we may have been regurgitating circa 2021. 

On Thursday, the Florida governor is slated to participate in a debate moderated on prime time Fox by Sean Hannity against Gavin Newsom. That should be reasonably entertaining since Gavin Newsom may be the most idiotic California governor to have ever walked the Golden State ground, and DeSantis is still relatively liked for his Florida policies and success. 

Newsom was once expected to be a potential candidate for a Democratic run for 2024 but has ruled out his run for the time being. 


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